Enforcement case check and pay online
Date: 01/22/2021, Author: TollPass
"Intelligent Traffic Systems" AD successfully passed the integration with the system of the Road Infrastructure Agency and received the right to collect compensatory fees through its Vinetki.bg and TollPass.bg online platforms.
Every owner or user of a vehicle, regardless of whether a car, a heavy vehicle or bus, can check the day and type of detected violation related to toll collection, as well as pay a compensatory fee online at TollPass.bg.
This exempts the user from administrative and criminal liability and payment of a fine of BGN 300 for light vehicles up to 3.5 tons and BGN 1,800 or 2,500 for vehicles above 3.5 tons. The compensatory fees are BGN 70 for light vehicles and BGN 150, 450 or 750 for vehicles above 3.5 tons, depending on the weight of the vehicle and the number of axles.
A compensatory fee can be paid online for each violation and until the 14-day period expires to pay for violations with an electronic fische. Checks and payments are reflected in real time.
All TollPass customers have easy check in their profile of available violations for vehicles included in an active Contract or in the My Vehicles menu.